Update your system. (10.6.5 is the latest for Snow Leopard) Step 2: Plug in your CAC Reader to an available USB Port. Step 3: Click the Apple Icon in the upper left corner of your desktop and select 'About This Mac'.
6 'high level' steps needed, follow down the page to make this a painless systematic process
Step 1: Your CAC reader must be Mac friendly
- Identiv’s SCR3310v2 is the ideal PC-linked USB smart card reader for a wide variety of secure applications. The SCR3310V2 is widely used a 'CAC Card Reader' for the Department of Defense Common Access Card (CAC Card).
- In addition, Centrify DirectControl for Mac OS X has also received the Department of Defense (DoD) Joint Interoperability Test Command (JITC) certification for support of Common Access Cards (CAC) Smart Cards and strong authentication.
Visit the USB Readers page to verify the CAC reader you have is Mac friendly
'Some, not all' CAC readers may need to have a small program installed to make it work.
NOTE: Readers such as: SCR-331, GSR-202, GSR-202V, & GSR-203 could need firmware updates (NO OTHER Readers need firmware updates).
Information about these readers are in Step 2
Step 2: The Mac must be able to 'see' the reader
Plug the CAC reader into an available USB port before proceeding, give it a few moments to install
Step 2a: Click the Apple Icon in the upper left corner of the desktop, select 'About This Mac'
Step 2b: Click the 'More Info' (button)
Step 2c: Click 'System Report...' (button) (Only available in 10.7.x and above; 10.6.x and earlier will not see this window)
Step 2d: Make sure the CAC reader shows in Hardware, USB, under USB Device Tree (See image below). Different readers will show differently, most readers have no problem in this step. See Step 2d1 for specific reader issues.
Step 2d1: Verify firmware version on your SCR-331 or GSR-202, 202V, or 203 CAC reader. If you have a reader other than these 4, GO TO STEP 3
Step 2d1a-SCR-331 reader
If your reader does not look this this, go to the next step.
Below 'Hardware' click 'USB.' On the right side of the screen under 'USB Device Tree' the window will display all hardware plugged into the USB ports on your Mac. Look for “SCRx31 USB Smart Card Reader.” If the Smart Card reader is present, look at 'Version' in the lower right corner of this box: If you have a number below 5.18, you need to update your firmware to 5.25. If you are already at 5.18 or 5.25, your reader is installed on your system, and no further hardware changes are required. You can now Quit System Profiler and continue to Step 3.
Step 2d1b-IOGear GSR-202, 202V, and 203 readers
If your reader does not look like these, go toStep 3.
Below 'Hardware' click 'USB.' On the right side of the screen under 'USB Device Tree' the window will display all hardware plugged into the USB ports on your Mac. You should see “EMV Smartcard Reader.” If the Smart Card Reader is present look for 'Product ID' in the lower right corner of this box: If you see: 0x9540, you need to downgrade the firmware to 0x9520. If you see 0x9520, your reader is installed on your system, and no further hardware changes are required. You can now Quit System Profiler and continue to Step 3.
Step 3: Verify which version of OS X is installed on your computer
(You need to know this information for step 6)
Step 3a: Click the Apple Icon in the upper left corner of your desktop and select 'About This Mac'
Step 3b: Look below Mac OS X for: Version 10.X.X.
Step 4: Verify which exact CAC (ID Card) you have
(You need to know this information for step 6)
Cac Reader Software For Mac
Look at the back of your ID card (above the black strip) for these card types. If you have any other version than the four shown below, you need to visit an ID card office and have it replaced. All CACs [other than these four] were supposed to be replaced prior to 1 October 2012.
Oberthur ID one 128 v5.5 Dual | G&D FIPS 201 SCE 3.2 |
Find out how to flip card over video
Step 5: Decide which CAC enabler you can / want to use
After installing the CAC enabler, restart the computer and go to a CAC enabled website
Optional Step 6: Update your DoD certificates:
Step 6a. Load the DoD Intermediate certificates into your keychain
Best Cac Reader For Mac
Step 6b. If your CAC has a CA between 27 and 32 [and they didn't show up after 5a above] you'll need toinstall all of the CA 27 to 32 and CA Email 27 to 32 certificates manually. You can download the AllCerts.zip (http://militarycac.com/files/maccerts/AllCerts.zip) file, then double click each certificate individually to have them install into the login section of keychain. If you want to verify they are there, follow guidance on the Keychain page. Idea # 2 only.
If you receive Error: 100013, click here for instructions
Dod Cac Reader For Ipad Pro
Mac support provided by: Michael Danberry