Dynex Memory Card Reader Driver For Mac

I went to that link and maybe my eyes are going but I can't see anything where it says Mac compatible but if it says 10.1 on the box than I guess it is. The ad isn't exactly forthcoming with details. Maybe Limnos can offer some more ideas ...
One thing comes to mind... run Disk Utility and Repair Disk Permissions: Testing and repairing disk permissions
If you have trouble opening applications or documents, or if your computer is running slowly, the user permissions for some of your files may be set incorrectly. Permission problems sometimes happen after you update your system or install new software. With Disk Utility, you can repair these problems.
You can verify or repair permissions only on a disk with Mac OS X installed.
In Disk Utility, select the disk in the list.
Click First Aid.
Click Verify Disk Permissions to test permissions or Repair Disk Permissions to test and repair permissions.
As it works, Disk Utility may print messages about its progress and the special permissions some files use. These messages do not mean your files' permissions were incorrect.
Carolyn 🙂
Message was edited by: Carolyn Samit

Dynex Memory Card Reader Driver For Mac


Dynex Memory Card Reader Driver


Dynex Internal Memory Card Reader

I purchased a Dynex memory card reader today and am having the same trouble. The directions said it should install the drivers automatically.didn't. Went to the Dynex website and downloaded the drivers and tried to follow the instructions for manually installing (from Dynex manual).